Meaning reconstruction & the experience of loss. Robert A. Neimeyer. American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 2002.
Magnífico trabajo sobre las pérdidas y el duelo realizado por Robert A. Neimeyer (Ed.) Therese A. Rando, Kenneth J. Doka, Paul C. Rosenblatt, Nancy s. Hogan y C. R. Snyder, en el que a lo largo de 17 capítulos abordan en cinco partes diferenciadas los siguientes temas:
Parte I. Breaking ground: Toward a fresh theory of grieving (11-74) 1. Beyond decathexis: Toward a new psychoanalytic understanding and treatment of mourning; 2. Releraning the world: Making and finding meanings; Meaning making in the dual process model of coping with bereavement. Parte II. Re-establishing relationships: Context and connection (75-135) 4. The inner representation of the dead child in the psychic an social narratives of bereavement parents; 5. Family construction of meaning; 6. The death of a child with a developmental disability.
Parte III. Trascending trauma: Growth alter loss (135-211) 7. The tormented and the transformed: Understanding responses to loss and trauma; 8. Posttraumatic growth: The positive lessons of loss; 9. Spiritual resources following a partner’s death from AIDS; 10. Positive outcomes of losing a loved one. Parte IV. Healig stories: Research and reflexivity (211-259) 11. Shattered beliefs: Reconstituting the self of the trauma counsellor; 12. Embrancing their memory: The construction of accounts of loss and hope; 13. Research as therapy: The power of narrative to effect change.
Parte V. Renegotiating the World: Meaning making in grief therapy (259-343) 14. The language of loss: Grief therapy as a process of meaning reconstruction; 15. Construing Stress: A constructivist therapeutic; 16. Trauma, grief, and surviving childhood; 17. Videography: Re-storying the lives of clients.